#자유로운의견교환 #익명게시판 #구성원간소통 #에티켓필수 제목CodinGame 2020 봄 게임 기반 프로그래밍 챌린지 (게임 프로그래밍 X, 게임 기반 O)2020-04-17 12:51작성자주민하https://www.codingame.com/contests/spring-challenge-2020 3줄 요약게임 기반 코딩 경시대회경희대 학생 (Kyung Hee University Global Campus Library) 기반으로 팀 단위 참여 가능5월에 모든 난이도, 모든 인원 대상으로 오픈구체적인 사항은 링크 참조 What’s the CodinGame Spring Challenge 2020?The Spring Challenge 2020 is an international programming competition organized by CodinGame, the free and gamified platform where developers practice their skills with coding puzzles.When? Open for 11 days from May 7 to May 17Where?100% online, on codingame.com/sc2020What kind of coding competition? Multiplayer bot programming (AI competition)What programming languages are available?The CodinGame platform now supports more than 25 programming languages: Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, C#, C… and players can compete in their favorite language. The complete list can be found in the FAQ.What level of difficulty?The challenge is suitable for all skill levels.A system of “Leagues” allows for smooth progression of complexity.How to take part?The challenge is free and open to anyone.Simply create a CodinGame account with an email + password and then register for the competition. What game?The game is kept secret from all participants until the start of the challenge. Why Your Team Should Take Part in the ChallengeFor the global company competitionThe best developers in your team can contribute to making your company shine in a worldwide competition.The competition includes a leaderboard for companies only. The system takes into account the scores of the top 5 players in a company.Which companies participate?This below is the top 20 companies represented so far in the challenge. This will be updated daily. CompanyParticipantsAmadeus22Capgemini22Thales17Amadeus IT Group15Orange12CGI12Microsoft11CodinGame11Talentsoft10SKB Kontur10Tata Consultancy Services9Amazon8Sopra Steria8Infosys8Société Générale6Pharmagest6Médiamétrie5ALTEN5Ubisoft5Electronic Arts5 추천(0)비추천(0)목록수정삭제답변글쓰기 댓글 [1] 댓글작성자(*)비밀번호(*)자동등록방지(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)내용(*) 댓글 등록 더보기이전해외 게임사에서 근무하고 있는 졸업생입니다.졸업생2020-04-20다음작년SW Startup the dream 우승팀에서 소중한 개발자님을 모십니다wello2020-03-04 Powered by MangBoard | 워드프레스 쇼핑몰 망보드