#자유로운의견교환 #익명게시판 #구성원간소통 #에티켓필수

제목Introduction to Game Programming must feature open source Game Engine / Framework2019-01-03 14:48

I currently can't type in with Korean, so I'll be quick and brief about this article.

Introduction to Game Programming has to teach students how to make games as someone who just learned how to program simple, basic console programs. Beginner's level game programming mustn't be something related to starting from scratch like building computer graphics, middleware, API, framework etc which would be too low-level for students.

Thus, we must start programming games through certain library / framework / API / middleware / engine which is open-source. It would be school's decision whether they would use frameworks like cocos2d-x, SFML, raylib etc or game engines like Godot Engine, Tilengine, Toy Engine, Limon etc

I personally would recommend Godot because it has python-like native language, GDScript which would be easy for KHU SWCON students to blend in easily, but also Godot provides support for C++ (the engine itself is written in C++ anyways) thus making it easy for SWCON students to utilize both of them.

But if the school mandates students to complete the OOP course prior to Introduction to Game Programming course, then I would highly recommend studying something that has C++ as their native language.


(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)
이전소융튜브 3화 업로드 완료2019-01-04
다음소융과 대학원 개설 시기2018-12-28