#공식전달사항 #학과행정실 #학과교수진 #SW중심대학(공지사항) 제목2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders attendees recruitment2024-06-14 10:21작성자소프트웨어융합학과 첨부파일1.2024_Industrial_LINCage_Festival_for_Global_Leaders_운영계획안.pdf (406.1KB)2.LINC참여학사단위_구성표(LINC 3.0 affiliated department).pdf (55.6KB)LINC 3.0 is recruiting students to participate in the 2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders, jointly conducted by 11 universities in Seoul.This can be a good opportunity to interact with various students from each university and country, communicate directly with industry officials, and carry out practical problem-solving projects.▶ Eligibility - LINC 3.0 affiliated department students - English proficiency required - Available for the entire event schedule▶ Position: Attendees(10 Korean students and 5 international students) - Visiting industrial sites in Seoul and solving problems - Suggesting feasible solutions on matched industry issues - Project presentation and closing ceremony - Diverse cultural exchange experiences with domestic and foreign students▶ Schedule: Hotel Check-in on Aug 4th, Check-out on Aug 14th (program period: Aug 5th~Aug 13th)▶ Application: Fill out the Google Form until June 23rd (https://forms.gle/3wVZChds64MWRpxq8) ▶ Selection: Online interview (scheduled at 16:00 on June 25th) ※The schedule is subject to change. Interviewees will be contacted on June 24th.For more information on the program, please check the attached operation plan. 목록답변글쓰기 댓글 [0] 댓글작성자(*)비밀번호(*)자동등록방지(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)내용(*) 댓글 등록 더보기이전2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders 참가 학생 모집(~6/23)소프트웨어융합학과 2024-06-14다음[학사] 2024-2학기 융합전공 본전공(1전공) 선발 안내소프트웨어융합학과 2024-06-14 Powered by MangBoard | 워드프레스 쇼핑몰 망보드