#공식전달사항 #학과행정실 #학과교수진 #SW중심대학(공지사항)

제목2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders attendees recruitment2024-06-14 10:21
작성자 Level 1
첨부파일1.2024_Industrial_LINCage_Festival_for_Global_Leaders_운영계획안.pdf (406.1KB)2.LINC참여학사단위_구성표(LINC 3.0 affiliated department).pdf (55.6KB)

LINC 3.0 is recruiting students to participate in the 2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders, jointly conducted by 11 universities in Seoul.

This can be a good opportunity to interact with various students from each university and country, communicate directly with industry officials, and carry out practical problem-solving projects.

▶ Eligibility

    - LINC 3.0 affiliated department students

    - English proficiency required

    - Available for the entire event schedule

▶ Position: Attendees(10 Korean students and 5 international students)

    - Visiting industrial sites in Seoul and solving problems

    - Suggesting feasible solutions on matched industry issues

    - Project presentation and closing ceremony

    - Diverse cultural exchange experiences with domestic and foreign students

▶ Schedule: Hotel Check-in on Aug 4th, Check-out on Aug 14th (program period: Aug 5th~Aug 13th)

▶ Application: Fill out the Google Form until June 23rd (https://forms.gle/3wVZChds64MWRpxq8)


▶ Selection: Online interview (scheduled at 16:00 on June 25th)    

※The schedule is subject to change. Interviewees will be contacted on June 24th.

For more information on the program, please check the attached operation plan.

3-2.(포스터)2024 Industrial LINCage Festival for Global Leaders(KHU)_영문.jpg

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